I am usually in Kavli IPMU in Kashiwa campus of UT. Please come to student room C to visit me. I sometimes go to Hongo campus of UT for some duties.
Kavli IPMU(@Kashiwa campus)
I am in student room C on 3rd floor in IPMU main building. As for the way to the IPMU building , follow this page. From Kashiwa-no-ha station to Kashiwa campus, you can use UT bus. See here time table.
You can also use the shuttle bus of UT running between Hongo campus and Kashiwa campus. Note however you need to make reservation here.
University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
I am rarely in UT, but UT is good base place of sightseeing of Japan. You can go to School of science of UT by following this page.